In Mississippi, We Always Have Our Hand Out. But It’s Usually To Give, Not Receive.
And the last shall be first. We always hear about Mississippi being last. Last in this, last in that. Well, at last, Mississippi is among the first. And what a “first” to be among: generosity. For nearly two decades, our generosity has topped almost every other state in the nation. Per capita, we consistently give more in relation to income than other states that have so much more to give. Mississippi. Yes, our hands are out. And our hearts are open.
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The Mississippi, Believe It!™ Campaign Mississippi, Believe It!™… was created for you… the people of Mississippi.
The materials represented on this site were created to share little-known facts about our great state … and the people who make it great. Advertisers may download and run the PSAs free of charge. Corporations may use them to inform clients, prospects and potential employees about the wonderful state in which you have chosen to locate. Note: These materials are to be used strictly for informational and educational purposes. The images may not be used in any shape, form or fashion to create revenue, nor are they to be sold for monetary gain.